Foto's uit het dagelijks leven in Dumaguete city en Oriental Negros

Gestart door bananacreek, zaterdag 4 december 2010, 13:21:53

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Eennalaatse van de slechte kwaltiteit video clips

[yt=640,505]Y2Tmisu2yLc [/yt]

Vanuit de bergen een km of 7 door de sugarcane fields en als je niet weet hoe je daar moet rijden raak je verdwaald............


Laatste video voor deze week...........

[yt=640,505]7Ts32VprXGk [/yt]



Citaat van: bananacreek op woensdag 17 oktober 2012, 14:09:56
Problemen met de buren............. :happy: :happy: :thumb: :thumb: :atyourservice:

Ze zeggen wel eens: "De Klootzak is niet gelukkig als er geen problemen zijn"

Mr. FRANSISCO MARTINEZ                                           WILLEM A.Klootman
CONSOLIDATED LENDING CENTER                                       LOWER Banilad
COLON STREET                                                         6200 DUMAGUETE CITY

Dumaguete city, September 1, 2012.

Dear sir,

The undersigned requests you hereby very kindly to attend to the following matter subject:

The undersigned is the same neighbor who made a request to you on March 15, 2012 regarding the trimming of some tree branches at the back of your apartments as located in Lower Banilad, Dumaguete city.

In the foregoing years, there have been some disagreements between the undersigned and Mr. Lucrecio Catubig regarding the burning of garbage at the rear portion of the lot where these apartments are located, (see Annexes A1 to A3).

Nevertheless, Mr. Catubig and the undersigned came to an oral agreement that the undersigned should turn down the volume of his music during night time and Mr. Catubig likewise agreed to inform his new tenants from door 1 to door 6 not to hold pets like fighting-cocks and dogs for reason that these kind of pets might disturb the undersigned and likewise the tenants of these apartments during the wee hours of the night.
During this oral agreement it was also discussed that the first block of the apartments did not comply with the standards as set by the local "zoning-requirements".
As of the present many stray-cats are residing at the rear portions of the first 10 apartments because many tenants keep on feeding them.
These cats use my property as their comfort room.

Likewise it was agreed upon that Mr. Catubig, or any of his agents in charge thereof, would request his tenants to refrain from throwing garbage, food leftovers, and the like over the party walls onto the property of the undersigned for this had been quite some problem in de past whereby at one time several filled and used condoms were thrown over the party wall onto the shoulder of a housekeeper of the undersigned who was working in that area at such moment.

However, the frequency of such acts have lately been lower as in the years before. Thank you and Mr. Catubig for such.
Nonetheless, there is at the present this tenant at door No. 3 who somehow cleans his apartment late at night and keeps on slamming his backdoor repeatedly and the undersigned has been wondering aloud why the tenants of doors 2 and 4 have not been complaining about this.

The undersigned lived a good life in his house until these apartments were build in 2003, but as of now the real estate value of his properties have been dwindling because nobody would like to live that close to these apartments involved.

Moreover, since a few weeks the undersigned notice a foul stench on the second floor of his house and at the portion leading to his residence, this depending on the wind direction.

Afterwards he placed a ladder against the party wall involved at the point where the stench was at its strongest and noticed some sacks hanging against this wall filled with foul smelling garbage.
It was at such moment very clear that it was a mixture of Malata and Dili Malata garbage.

Subsequently he proceeded to the gates of your apartments and took a picture of the garbage involved, but hereby not trespassing your property because he was standing on the lot of a certain Mr. Benjamin O. Masangkay (see annex-B1, B2 and B3).

Likewise he noticed during the last 10 days that dogs entered the premises of your apartments and ripped apart plastic bags inside the premises of your apartments and moreover many of these bags are were scattered at the outside of the apartment gates thereby polluting the neighborhood and attracting rats not to mention other health hazards alike.

On October 1, 2012 the caretaker of these apartments involved somehow cleaned up the condition but thereby burning all the plastics and the undersigned had to douse the smoldering fire with water because his residence was engulfed with toxic fumes from the melting plastic bags.
This was about 3 minutes before the picture Annex D was taken whereby the undersigned likewise did not trespass your property because the burning took place on the property of Mr. Benjamin O. Masangkay, (see Annex-C).

The acts as described hereinabove are contrary to Articles 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699 and 700 to 706 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, (see Annexes D1 to D6).

In view of the foregoing the undersigned requests you hereby most respectfully to appraise the current situation and to take thereafter any appropriate  actions to eliminate any of the nuisances as illustrated in the foregoing paragraphs.

Respectfully yours,

Willem A. Klootman

De stank is niet zo erg meer maar ze verbranden nog steeds plastic en dit gaat op de rechtbank eindigen, maar ik moet eerst via de City Health en die moeten de eigenaar van de apartementen aanschrijven.

Dat land was in 1992 te koop voor P28 per vierkante meter en ik had het moeten kopen (maar bij een anullment ben je het weer kwijt) Nu is de market price van dat land P2400 per vierkante meter.

VERGETEN: Annexes A1 to A3.......... :jajaja: :jajaja:
Dat was al een probleem een aantal jaren geleden..........en nu flikken ze het weer onder de nieuwe eigenaar... :negatief: :negatief:

Hier begon het mee in 2005:

Mr. Lucrecio E. Catubig
Avon                                                                                                     Willem A. Klootfiets Jr
Dumaguete City                                                                                      P.O. Box 34560009
                                                                                                            6200 Dumaguete City

Dumaguete City, May 12, 2005

Dear Sir,

Kindly attend to the following subject matter:

Almost every night the security guard guarding your apartments has been burning plastics beside the entrance of these apartments.
By doing so and with a wind blowing from North-East to South-West, the highly noxious fumes created thereby are being blown into the direction op apartment No. 1 and my residence.
Until now I doused the fire twice with water because I could not locate the guard and I will not enter your premises without your permission.

However, tonight I saw him standing beside a new fire and after using the proverb "Excuse me" I explained to him that the fumes of the burning plastics/garbage entered my house and made me and my housekeepers almost vomiting but out of respect for my neighbors I shut my mouth. I asked him likewise very kindly if he could not burn the same plastic/garbage at the garbage-pit at the back of the apartments.

The same guard reacted very irritated and asked me thereby the following question: "What are you talking about?"

Again, I thought I would be able to explain him that I did not appreciate it that I have to join the toxic fumes every night created by my neighbors. He turned his back to me and shrugged his shoulders and made it thereby clear to me that the conversation was finished by informing me at a very unfriendly way; "If I have any complaints, you should direct the same to Mr. Catubig".

Kindly request your security-guard to try to keep a friendly atmosphere in the neighborhood by not insulting his neighbors.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Respectfully yours,

Willem Klootfiets

Daarna nog vele problemen en ze begonnen ook plastics en matrassen te verbranden aan de achterkant van deze apartementen.
Vandaar een klacht bij de ENRO (Enviromental and Natural resources office)

Hier werd negatief op gereageerd en ik moest mijn eigen boontjes maar doppen.

Dat deed ik met het navolgende antwoord:


Engineer Rogelio B. Clamonte                                Willem A. Klootfiets
Dumaguete City ENRO                                      P.O. Box  30857686900
City Hall                                                            6200 Dumaguete City
6200 Dumaguete City                                                                     

Dumaguete City, January 15, 2006


Several weeks ago I had the honour to call the attention of your good office by filing a complaint against a certain Mr. Lucrecio E. Catubig, owner of Catubig apartments, lower Banilad, Dumaguete City.

Regarding to the foregoing information I requested you thereby kindly to investigate my complaint for the fact that the same Mr. Lucrecio E. Catubig has been instructing his workers/agents for more than seven months to burn garbage inside a garbage-pit situated at his compound located at lower Banilad, Dumaguete City, and additionally I have been requesting you adequately to inform the same Mr. Catubig to refrain from burning his solid waste for such is contrary  with several  laws, rules and regulations,  amid others:

The Dumaguete City Ordinance No. 115, December 29, 1998: "An ordinance establishing an Integrated Solid Waste Management System in Dumaguete City", Article VI, b, and c, and Section 15 (a), (b), and (c) of the same article, and moreover that such actions are likewise  conflicting REP. ACT NO. 9003:

"The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act": Chapter VI, Section 48 and 52.

It may be recalled that I made it very clear to you in my oral complaint, whereby I submitted several pictures of the burning involved, that Mr. Catubig did not just burn dried grass or similar plant based materials but he or his agents set fire to plastics, pillow-cases and other discarded materials, which emit toxic fumes when these materials get burned. Moreover, these materials are many times mixed with "malata" waste which causes a terrible stench and can be smelled at the other side of the party-wall involved.

Moreover, when such materials as mentioned in the foregoing paragraph are set ablaze, aside from the noxious fumes and gasses these products release, those fires likewise emit  small particles of black carbonized material which stick to my laundry hanging at the back of my residence.

Subsequently to the filing of my complaint I learned that allegedly several members of your staff went to the location involved and they claimed later on that they instructed the caretaker of those apartments, or anybody who was in charge at such time, to refrain from burning their solid waste.

It may also be recalled that on every Monday and Wednesday afternoons a Dumaguete City General Services garbage truck is plying the route between Barangays Motong and Buñao to collect thereby "DILI MALATA" household garbage. Likewise on every Friday afternoon a garbage-truck will collect "MALATA" garbage.

That, to my utmost dismay, a few days later found I out that these burnings as described in the foregoing paragraphs continued notwithstanding the fact that I was told by some of  your staff- members that they had given clear instructions to the agents of the same Mr. Catubig to desist from setting his garbage on fire.

Likewise, and for your information, I had a housekeeper who had problems with asthma whenever the wind blew the smoke and fumes from said incinerations  towards my residence.

Subsequently to my findings that the order, as relayed to them by your staff members, to the agents of Mr. Catubig that it is illegal for any private person to burn  solid waste, had deliberately been ignored for whatever reason and subsequently I took several more pictures to your office to illustrate to you yet again that those pictures were taken after the date that Mr. Catubig or his agents were allegedly ordered by your staff-members to desist from their illegal acts.

Nevertheless, at my next visit to your good office you were the one who entertained me and at such instance you gave notice to me that you had a previous conversation with the same Mr. Lucrecio E. Catubig during which dialogue he informed you that Klootfiets was to strict and ignorant, and that Klootfiets was allegedly harassing him ever since there had been a previous misunderstanding between the both, namely Mr. Lucrecio Catubig and Klootfiets.

That, a propos the contents of the foregoing paragraph, hence you made a decision  that Mr. Catubig would be allowed to continue burning his garbage as he did before even while you were with the knowledge that such is contrary to laws and ordinances with amongst them those mentioned in the third paragraph of this letter complaint.

Nonetheless, if such is indeed the case, and that's the way it looks like because these burnings continue on a regular basis, I would like to emphasize hereby once more that you yourself are as well clearly violating REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9003, : "The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act": Chapter VII, Section 52, b and c,

SEC. 52. Citizens Suits. - For the purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Act or its
implementing rules and regulations, any citizen may file an appropriate civil, criminal or
administrative action in the proper courts/bodies against:
(a) Any person who violates or fails to comply with the provisions of this Act its
implementing rules and regulations; or
(b) The Department or other implementing agencies with respect to orders, rules and
regulations issued inconsistent with this Act; and/or
(c) Any public officer who willfully or grossly neglects the performance of an act
specifically enjoined as a duty by this Act or its implementing rules and regulations; or
abuses his authority in the performance of his duty; or, in any many improperly performs
his duties under this Act or its implementing rules and regulations; Provided, however,
That no suit can be filed until after thirty-day (30) notice has been given to the public
officer and the alleged violator concerned and no appropriate action has been taken
The Court shall exempt such action from the payment of filing fees and statements
likewise, upon prima facie showing of the non-enforcement or violation complained of,
exempt the plaintiff from the filing of an injunction bond for the issuance of preliminary
In the event that the citizen should prevail, the Court shall award reasonable attorney's
fees, moral damages and litigation costs as appropriate.

Respectfully yours.

Willem W. Klootfiets Jr.

Na die brief werd er niets meer verbrand, maar nu beginnen ze weer ..........en ik ga het weer helemaal opnieuw doen en het is altijd goed als je zulke brieven bewaard en vroeger moest dat allemaal met de hand of met een typewriter als je zulks kon veroorloven...................




Citaat van: bananacreek op woensdag 17 oktober 2012, 14:09:56
Problemen met de buren............. :happy: :happy: :thumb: :thumb: :atyourservice:

Ze zeggen wel eens: "De Klootzak is niet gelukkig als er geen problemen zijn"

Mr. FRANSISCO MARTINEZ                                           WILLEM A.Klootman
CONSOLIDATED LENDING CENTER                                       LOWER Banilad
COLON STREET                                                         6200 DUMAGUETE CITY

Dumaguete city, September 1, 2012.

Dear sir,

The undersigned requests you hereby very kindly to attend to the following matter subject:

The undersigned is the same neighbor who made a request to you on March 15, 2012 regarding the trimming of some tree branches at the back of your apartments as located in Lower Banilad, Dumaguete city.

In the foregoing years, there have been some disagreements between the undersigned and Mr. Lucrecio Catubig regarding the burning of garbage at the rear portion of the lot where these apartments are located, (see Annexes A1 to A3).

Nevertheless, Mr. Catubig and the undersigned came to an oral agreement that the undersigned should turn down the volume of his music during night time and Mr. Catubig likewise agreed to inform his new tenants from door 1 to door 6 not to hold pets like fighting-cocks and dogs for reason that these kind of pets might disturb the undersigned and likewise the tenants of these apartments during the wee hours of the night.
During this oral agreement it was also discussed that the first block of the apartments did not comply with the standards as set by the local "zoning-requirements".
As of the present many stray-cats are residing at the rear portions of the first 10 apartments because many tenants keep on feeding them.
These cats use my property as their comfort room.

Likewise it was agreed upon that Mr. Catubig, or any of his agents in charge thereof, would request his tenants to refrain from throwing garbage, food leftovers, and the like over the party walls onto the property of the undersigned for this had been quite some problem in de past whereby at one time several filled and used condoms were thrown over the party wall onto the shoulder of a housekeeper of the undersigned who was working in that area at such moment.

However, the frequency of such acts have lately been lower as in the years before. Thank you and Mr. Catubig for such.
Nonetheless, there is at the present this tenant at door No. 3 who somehow cleans his apartment late at night and keeps on slamming his backdoor repeatedly and the undersigned has been wondering aloud why the tenants of doors 2 and 4 have not been complaining about this.

The undersigned lived a good life in his house until these apartments were build in 2003, but as of now the real estate value of his properties have been dwindling because nobody would like to live that close to these apartments involved.

Moreover, since a few weeks the undersigned notice a foul stench on the second floor of his house and at the portion leading to his residence, this depending on the wind direction.

Afterwards he placed a ladder against the party wall involved at the point where the stench was at its strongest and noticed some sacks hanging against this wall filled with foul smelling garbage.
It was at such moment very clear that it was a mixture of Malata and Dili Malata garbage.

Subsequently he proceeded to the gates of your apartments and took a picture of the garbage involved, but hereby not trespassing your property because he was standing on the lot of a certain Mr. Benjamin O. Masangkay (see annex-B1, B2 and B3).

Likewise he noticed during the last 10 days that dogs entered the premises of your apartments and ripped apart plastic bags inside the premises of your apartments and moreover many of these bags are were scattered at the outside of the apartment gates thereby polluting the neighborhood and attracting rats not to mention other health hazards alike.

On October 1, 2012 the caretaker of these apartments involved somehow cleaned up the condition but thereby burning all the plastics and the undersigned had to douse the smoldering fire with water because his residence was engulfed with toxic fumes from the melting plastic bags.
This was about 3 minutes before the picture Annex D was taken whereby the undersigned likewise did not trespass your property because the burning took place on the property of Mr. Benjamin O. Masangkay, (see Annex-C).

The acts as described hereinabove are contrary to Articles 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699 and 700 to 706 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, (see Annexes D1 to D6).

In view of the foregoing the undersigned requests you hereby most respectfully to appraise the current situation and to take thereafter any appropriate  actions to eliminate any of the nuisances as illustrated in the foregoing paragraphs.

Respectfully yours,

Willem A. Klootman

De stank is niet zo erg meer maar ze verbranden nog steeds plastic en dit gaat op de rechtbank eindigen, maar ik moet eerst via de City Health en die moeten de eigenaar van de apartementen aanschrijven.

Dat land was in 1992 te koop voor P28 per vierkante meter en ik had het moeten kopen (maar bij een anullment ben je het weer kwijt) Nu is de market price van dat land P2400 per vierkante meter.



Nuisance Claims

A nuisance isn't just an annoying person, it is actual a legal concept, one which can be sued upon.  In legal terms, a nuisance occurs through the unlawful or unreasonable use of land that causes an injury, or interferes with rights of another person, or the public.  In the legal system, tenants and landowners actually possess a legal right to enjoy their property.  This right is known as the right of quiet enjoyment.  If an activity interferes with this right, this could constitute a legal nuisance.

A nuisance interferes in a person or a community's enjoyment by causing damages, danger, inconvenience, or annoyance.  Thus, nuisances can be sights, sounds, or even smells.   For example, if your neighbor is constantly playing obnoxiously loud music throughout all hours of the day, or perhaps a business in your area creates foul smelling odors, these may be actionable legal nuisance claims.  Other examples of nuisance claims include barking docks, blocked views, blocked access, piled garbage, and abandoned cars.

A nuisance can be either a public nuisance or a private nuisance.  A private nuisance occurs only to a private citizen while a public nuisances affects a greater community.  So, in the example of loud music, if you live in an apartment building where the general apartment community is disturbed by the sound, this would be a public nuisance.  Whereas, if only on person were bothered by a neighbor's noisy music, then the nuisance would likely be a private nuisance.  Generally though, a private nuisance includes the inference of a property right, while a public nuisance interferes with public health, peace, safety, and convenience.

Furthermore, there are two legal theories under which a nuisance could be tried under in court.  These two theories are nuisance in fact and nuisance per se.  In a nuisance in fact case, a jury will decide whether an activity is a nuisance by looking at all the surrounding circumstance.  In a nuisance per se case, there is no jury, and a judge will decide that the activity or structure is a nuisance just by virtue of its existence.  Essentially, it would be a nuisance no matter what the circumstances are.  Most nuisance cases are nuisance in fact.  If there is a nuisance claim, the plaintiff could be suing for a remedy of money damages and/or an injunction, which requires the activity to stop.

Nuisance cases are typically civil cases and therefore occur in a court with jurisdiction over general civil cases.  Depending on the court system of a state or county, you may find nuisance cases in small claims court, or specialized court divisions. Some counties even allow users to review nuisance case information online. Check with to find out links to online records services and contact information for courts across the US.   Nuisance cases could be a great records resource for background checks!  Also, if you are the one affected by a nuisance, but are not looking to engage in a legal claim, there are circumstances where you can first file a general complaint with the appropriate officials.


Plan B-52 met luide muziek van mijn kant gaat dus niet door want dan create ik zelf een nuisance hetgeen tegen mij gebruikt kan worden............. :neeneenee: :neeneenee:

City Health aanschrijven en vragen voor een occular inspection zonder daarbij eerst de tegenpartij in te lichten want anders ruimen ze de troep eerst op vlak voor de inspection en dan sta ik weer voor Jan Lul.....zoals gewoonlijk....... :jajaja: :jajaja:

Even wat geduld en de stank van het ene oor doorvoeren naar het andere oor uit........... :thumb: :happy:

Ze zijn voor niemand bang de machos want dit is een zeer duidelijke nuisance.....DE OORLOG IS HIERBIJ VERKLAARD..... :explotieren: :explotieren: :explotieren: :explotieren: :moord: :moord: :shoot13lj7: :shoot13lj7: :shoot13lj7: :shoot13lj7: :shoot13lj7: :shoot13lj7: :shoot13lj7: :shoot13lj7: :shots: :shots:.......... :denk: :denk: :denk: :weetikniet: :weetikniet:


Rustig aan Klootzak zodat het lijntje niet breekt.......take it liggen...AF AF..... :thumb: :thumb:

:explotieren: :explotieren: :explotieren: :explotieren: :explotieren: :ripba8: :ripba8: :ripba8:


Je hebt toch zeker wel gasmaskers en noodrantsoenen in de bunker?? :jajaja:
Daar waar de regenboog eindigt daar zal ik nooit komen totdat ik daar ooit zal zijn