Foto's uit het dagelijks leven in Dumaguete city en Oriental Negros

Gestart door bananacreek, zaterdag 4 december 2010, 13:21:53

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Het kotje met het rode dak is een Police-Outpost @ Aley Mae crossing Motong-Pulantubig

Daar werden afgelopen nacht om 01.45 twee mensen doodgeschoten en volgens de politie die de cellphones van de slachtoffers heeft bekeken was de zaak drugs-related.

Dat is altijd een gevaarlijk crossing in de vroege morgen en daar zijn al heel wat doden gevallen in de laatste 7 jaar.

Vanuit de pedicap zag ik toch geen bloed op straat........... :ikkeniebegrijp: :ikkeniebegrijp:





One for the road............... :jajaja: :jajaja:


Nu bleek het dat de city de smokeban in werking liet treden ZONDER DE AREAS AAN TE GEVEN WAAR WEL GEROOKT MAG WORDEN (PUBLIEKE AREAS).............. :lachen: :lachen:

Nog zogenaamde ruimten/areas waar dan wel gerookt zou mogen worden waren niet eens in de ban vermeld en bijvoorbeeld hebben alle bedrijven zoals reastaurants enz enz nog steeds geen kopie van de tekst van de ban mogen ontvangen.............. :lachen: :lachen:

Wat een afgang hier en er zitten daar een stelletje leuteraars in de city council ( weet nog steeds niet wat dat woord leuteraars betekend, evenals het woord heukelen.. :ikkeniebegrijp: :ikkeniebegrijp: :lachen:  ) die de betreffende ordinances wel even uit hun mouwen schudden....... :happy: :happy:

Wordt vervolgt na de pauze................. :hoedjeaf: :hoedjeaf:


Dumaguete goes smoke-free
By Alex Rey V. Pal - Sun, Sep 02, 2012

The City of Dumaguete has started implementing the Smoke Free Ordinance, which prohibits smoking in all public places.

More than 100 law enforcement agents fanned out to the city streets Saturday after they were deputized by Mayor Manuel Sagarbarria, although no arrests were reported.

"The penalty for the first offense is a reprimand," explained City Administrator William Ablong, who also heads Task Force Sagarr, the City's premiere law enforcement arm. Ablong said that as of Saturday morning, he had yet to receive any feedback from the law enforcers.

Pursuant to City Ordinance 94 series of 2011, the use, sale, distribution and advertisement of cigarettes and any tobacco products are prohibited in all public places or within 100 meters from any point within the perimeter of a public place.

Public places, as defined by the Ordinance, are the public market, Rizal Boulevard, churches, schools of all levels, tricycles, buses and jeepneys, airports, bus and boat terminals.

Restaurants and conference halls may have separate designated smoking areas.

The deputized enforcers, consisting of the police, traffic management office, Task Force Sagarr, City Health Office, Environment and Natural Resources Office, barangay tanods and other volunteers are authorized to reprimand offenders for the first offense and issue citation tickets for succeeding offenses.

There is a P500 fine for the second offense and P1000 for every succeeding offense thereafter.

The MetroPost went around the public market Saturday morning hoping to find law enforcers doing their thing but failed to find any.

Dr. Sarah Tallah, city health officer, said that the City will also help smokers who wish to stop smoking by giving counselling sessions.



Alle sigarettenvendors mogen geen sigaretten meer verkopen in de stad, waaronder degenen die s'avonds hun business langs de Rizal Boulevard hebben.


CitaatThe deputized enforcers, consisting of the police, traffic management office, Task Force Sagarr, City Health Office, Environment and Natural Resources Office, barangay tanods and other volunteers are authorized to reprimand offenders for the first offense and issue citation tickets for succeeding offenses.

Hey Klootzak, now I got you.......... :lachen: :lachen: :happy: :happy:

No you are wrong's not lighted............. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :thumb: :happy: :happy: