Foto's uit het dagelijks leven in Dumaguete city en Oriental Negros

Gestart door bananacreek, zaterdag 4 december 2010, 13:21:53

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Citaat van: bananacreek op zaterdag 12 maart 2011, 13:28:49
Mijn vrienden in de disco

Daar heb je blijkbaar al menig poesje gestreeld.  :lachen:  :lachen:

:thumb: top die foto's van je Creek. Is leuk om volgen.


@Gago:Daar heb je blijkbaar al menig poesje gestreeld.     
                               top die foto's van je Creek. Is leuk om volgen.

Dank u :hoedjeaf: :hoedjeaf:


Citaat van: bananacreek op zaterdag 12 maart 2011, 12:44:48
Sorry, maar ik weet niet waar ik dit moet plaatsen, dus zet ik het hier maar neer. De wagen rijdt evenwel niet in Dumaguete city of Negros rond zover ik weet: :denk:

Here is a deadly dichotomy of wealth. They wonder why their citizens are livid.
You will not see this in Oman.

Recession? What recession? So, it seems that this  "global recession" has not impacted negatively on everyone. Check this out! It's a Mercedes Benz owned by an Abu Dhabi oil billionaire (naturally).

Featuring the newly developed V10 quad turbo with 1,600 horsepower and 2800nm of torque 0-100km/h in less than 2secs, 1/4 mile in 6.89 secs running on  biofuel.

That is NOT stainless steel, people, it is WHITE GOLD! I'm sure  you'll sleep better tonight, knowing that the exorbitant dollars you're paying for gas these days are at least going to a good cause...

Citaat van: bananacreek op zaterdag 12 maart 2011, 12:44:48
Sorry, maar ik weet niet waar ik dit moet plaatsen, dus zet ik het hier maar neer.

Dit hoort bij Urban Legends.     :lachen:

Geloof toch niet alles wat ze je e-Mailen  :neeneenee:

In 2005 deed de eMail van de zilveren AUDI ook al de ronde :  999/1000 Pure Silver!!!!

Daarin schreven ze toen :

Why oil is so expensive?

Wonder where our petro dollars go?

The pics are of an Audi A8 in silver made for a Sheik - - It is not silver colored... it is made of silver!!

Zie de site van  (Rumor has it)   :lachen:

Als het geen zilveren auto is, wat is het dan wel ?  

The photographs displayed above are genuine, but they don't quite depict an automobile "made from solid silver." The shiny appearance of the Audi A8 pictured here is not due to its being made of silver, but to a customization involving a special polishing technique used to produce a chrome-like finish, for which the car's Dubai owner engaged the firm Motoren Technik Mayer (MTM), based in Wettstetten, Germany. The MTM web site describes (in slightly stilted English) the process used in the Audi's customization:
In Dubai the mtm Audi A8 polished was the eye-catcher. The car was analyzed and in many studies the enamel varnish of the aluminum car body was removed. Furthermore the car was cleaned. After that, the car body was polished with fine abrasive paper as well as special polishes to high gloss. The blank dress must not have any defects, because of the fact that retouching was not possible. Finally the car was protected with special clear varnish against environmental impacts.

Because of the fact that it is impossible to polish plastic parts like front and rear spoilers, mirror house, side sillboard or also fuel tank cap, they were enameled in a complex way to get a chrome effect. Finaly they were polished with clear varnish.

De website van de firma MTM in Duitsland  :

Hier een wat geloofwaardiger artikel van de Mercedes

If you've ever wondered where all your money goes once you fill up your tank, stop wondering. You're looking at it in the form of a solid chrome Mercedes-McLaren SLR found parked outside of the Mall of the Emirates in Dubai. That would be the same oil-soaked country that's flush with all kinds of tasteful, high-dollar sheet metal. Ahem. We've got to say, if you're going to chrome a car, the SLR just might be the best choice. All those complex curves take to the shiny with a passion – though we'd love it to no end if the car was actually polished aluminum, as we have – you know –  taste. Just sayin'!

Giving a gift engenders gratitude. Giving many gifts engenders expectation.


Geloof toch niet alles wat ze je e-Mailen 

Nee hoor, en ik hou het hier bij voorlopig :thumb: :lachen:

Pascal Keirens

Tegenwoordig doet men dat men folie, auto's in het chroom, goud of zelfs carbonlook zetten. Wrapping noemt men dat. Kost ongeveer 1500 euro om een ganse wagen zo te doen.


Cebu Ferries......Nog niet in witgoud uitgevoerd....komt nog... :lachen:



Wat een probleem, krijg het voorstuk er niet vanaf, zitten bouten in maar je kan er niet bij  :negatief: :negatief:
Ellende in de tropen als de kijkers niet geheel waterdicht zijn en deze is al een jaar of twintig oud.



Ok, wij zijn vanaf vandaag erelid van dit forum geworden  :thumb: :lachen: