Foto's uit het dagelijks leven in Dumaguete city en Oriental Negros

Gestart door bananacreek, zaterdag 4 december 2010, 13:21:53

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Had je problemen Klootzak?.........

Ohhh you will give me 50 pesos?........... :happy: :happy:


How about you make it 100 pesos?

Ata man......... good boy kloootman............. :thumb: :thumb:




Opticiéns zonder grenzen?.... :lachen: :weetikniet: :weetikniet:

Hij (een Bayut) keek me wel even scheef aan over zijn dienstbril toen ik de foto nam.... :denk: :denk:





Nu motor er weer uit en beginnen met het schoonmaken en epoxy spuiten van het chasiss


Vond dit weinig opwekkend verhaaltje op een ander forum:

People of Dumaguete, is it just me or are there in fact a lot of old white guys hooking up with underage and/or impoverished Filipinas around here? Man, i gotta say it's getting crazy ridiculous. They act like they own the town, carrying on their drunken arguments on the patios of restaurants along our seaside boulevard. They get the best seats on buses, boats and airplanes. They complain endlessly about what a shithole our country is. They are geriatric. They are rude to us. So let's get real for a moment. These guys are here living it up in our community on the pensions they earned as garbage truck drivers or postal clerks in the United States, Germany and England. Every time i come back here, I see so many more --- and it leads me to believe that they are an endless flow of flotsam and jetsam, washing up like so much trash on our beach. What do they contribute to our community? They talk about being rich, but they each spend the equivalent of maybe 700 to 1,000 U.S. dollars a month here. Mostly on booze and whores. Hardly lavish livers. This town awash in overseas workers remittances and the jobs created by new and huge local call service centers. Yeah, not the best gigs --- but at least a start. i gotta believe we can tell these "expats" to shove their money where the sun doesn't shine. Do we really need this shit? Me, I prefer young and adventurous backpackers. Nuff said.
"As men de skoalle jierren hawn hat, moat men ris fiks oan’t learen"
"De jeld komt net mei laitsjen"

Cosyns Guy

Citaat van: boomerang op maandag 15 juni 2015, 14:49:46
Vond dit weinig opwekkend verhaaltje op een ander forum:

People of Dumaguete, is it just me or are there in fact a lot of old white guys hooking up with underage and/or impoverished Filipinas around here? Man, i gotta say it's getting crazy ridiculous. They act like they own the town, carrying on their drunken arguments on the patios of restaurants along our seaside boulevard. They get the best seats on buses, boats and airplanes. They complain endlessly about what a shithole our country is. They are geriatric. They are rude to us. So let's get real for a moment. These guys are here living it up in our community on the pensions they earned as garbage truck drivers or postal clerks in the United States, Germany and England. Every time i come back here, I see so many more --- and it leads me to believe that they are an endless flow of flotsam and jetsam, washing up like so much trash on our beach. What do they contribute to our community? They talk about being rich, but they each spend the equivalent of maybe 700 to 1,000 U.S. dollars a month here. Mostly on booze and whores. Hardly lavish livers. This town awash in overseas workers remittances and the jobs created by new and huge local call service centers. Yeah, not the best gigs --- but at least a start. i gotta believe we can tell these "expats" to shove their money where the sun doesn't shine. Do we really need this shit? Me, I prefer young and adventurous backpackers. Nuff said.
Nu is de vraag Creek. Heeft hij gelijk of een beetje gelijk ? Denk dat U de beste man op de plaats bent om te oordelen over wat die beste man schreef.