Foto's uit het dagelijks leven in Dumaguete city en Oriental Negros

Gestart door bananacreek, zaterdag 4 december 2010, 13:21:53

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 :smiley-philippines: eten in een "Calendaria" Public Market Dumaguete (zeer slechte foto omdat iemand in de weg stond......)

Weer iemand doodgeshoten vandaag in Looc (retired policeman)



Door een Amerikaan geplant 22 jaar geleden............. :thumb:

Dat is de man met de (nu) 800 dollar per maand ............woont op 7000 vierkante meter in een eenvoudig maar leuk huis met een buitenhuis met een groot biljart.....

Hij sprak van andere expats en waaronder Australiers die een "war-pension" ontvingen vanuit Australia tegen de 190 duizend pesos per maand en die nu klagen dat zulks niet toekomend is ....waarom.... :weetikniet:

Omdat ze nu ook nog boven hun stand leven in zeer dure huurhuizen......willen niet economy vliegen....willen niet in een 1000 peso per dag hotel...en...........raken een gedeelte van hun mooie pensioen kwijt AAN DE SCHOONFAMILIE EN AANVERWANTEN................... :lachen: :lachen:



Dat is niet gek voor Larena ................... :thumb: :thumb: (als er een schone title zou zijn)



Net een mooie film gezien op tv............. :thumb: :thumb:

Mooie Australian actress.... :thumb:


Citaat van: bananacreek op zaterdag 17 januari 2015, 13:49:21
Net een mooie film gezien op tv............. :thumb: :thumb:

Mooie Australian actress.... :thumb:

Neen...niet  :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

De tv stond in Dumaguete city...... :lachen: :lachen: :happy: :happy: :daag: :daag:

De actress lijkt wat op Angelina Jolie in haar jongere jaren.............


Voor de geschiedenis liefhebbers.............. :offtopic: :jajaja: :jajaja:.....

Pompeii victims 'killed by heat not suffocation'

The inhabitants of Pompeii, who died when Mt Vesuvius erupted nearly 2,000 years ago, were killed by intense heat rather than suffocation as previously thought, a new study of the disaster has claimed.

Thousands of people in the Roman city were caught up in a firestorm in which they were exposed to temperatures of up to 1112F (600C), a team of Italian scientists believe.
The extraordinarily high temperatures would have killed fleeing inhabitants in just 10 seconds, according to the volcanologists and anthropologists from Naples, the city which is overshadowed by the volcano.
"Contrary to what was thought up until now, the victims didn't suffer a prolonged agony from suffocation, but rather died instantaneously from the exposure to high temperatures," the team wrote in a peer-reviewed science journal, PLoS ONE.
"Our findings reveal that neither asphyxia nor impact force, but heat, caused the deaths."
Red-hot clouds of gas and fine ash known as pyroclastic density currents flowed down the slopes of Vesuvius, engulfing Pompeii's frescoed villas, as well as its shops, public baths and brothels, where explicit erotic paintings and the customers' graffiti can still be seen.

"Field and laboratory study of the eruption products and victims indicate that heat was the main cause of death of people, previously supposed to have died by ash suffocation," the scientists said.
"Our results show that exposure to at least 250C [482F] hot surges at a distance of 10 kilometres from the vent was sufficient to cause instant death, even if people were sheltered within buildings."
Vesuvius had been rumbling for days when it finally erupted in AD79. Although thousands of people had already evacuated Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum, many others were unable or unwilling to leave and perished in the heat.
Visitors to the ancient sites can still see plaster casts of their contorted bodies at the moment in which they died, clinging to each other or burying their heads in their hands in a futile attempt to withstand the calamity.
Vesuvius remains one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes. The 1.5 million people who live in Naples and surrounding towns have learnt to ignore it but the sheer density of population means that any future eruption would be catastrophic.
The last major one was in March 1944 but the Osservatorio Vesuviano, which has monitored its activity since 1841, believes the next eruption could come at any time.


AD 79


Dit is medelid Pierrevanderwies die het aan de stok heeft gehad met een Duits/Canadese buurman die hem wilde vermoorden maar zijn eigen verhaal zal straks wel komen..............(hier op de  :smiley-philippines: wonen toch een hoop volledig gekke blanken........ :crazy: :crazy: :lachen: :jajaja: :jajaja:...geen grapje....).... :neeneenee: :neeneenee:

Erst maar even wachten op het verhaal van het medelid ......en ik ben bereid om op de rechtbank te getuigen ...zelfs al was ik niet ter plaatse......dat noemt men hier naar de "WITNESS BANK".....dan kan je professionele getuigen inhuren...... :happy: :happy:

En ik heb al heel wat ervaring............. :thumb: :thumb: :atyourservice: :atyourservice: