Foto's uit het dagelijks leven in Dumaguete city en Oriental Negros

Gestart door bananacreek, zaterdag 4 december 2010, 13:21:53

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Citaat van: bananacreek op zondag  6 juli 2014, 08:22:43

THE CITY OF GENTLE PEOPLE................ :jajaja: :jajaja: :negatief: :negatief:

Dat is een "labor cases related lawyer" en eens de lawyer van de Why Not............

Deze man (kan heel arrogant zijn) denkt dus dat er vele buitenlanders "gainfully employed" zijn..............

Om het heel kort te houden: De normale BLAH...BLAH...BLAH en haat ...............

Toen de blanken na Yolanda hielpen met biljoenen pesos en waarbij er nog tientallen containers in cebu worden vastgehouden toen hieLd mijnheer even zijn GROTE BEK?.... :weetikniet: :weetikniet:

Van mij mag deze man een ............. krijgen of wat dan ook.............. :ripba8: :ripba8:

Worden de  :smiley-philippines: in Nederland en Belgie en andere landen op deze planeet ook zo gehaat zolas deze Yap de "foreigners" haat?

Het woord "foreigner" is hier een negatieve uitdrukking geworden......

Maar dan in het normale "dagelijkse leven" valt het allemaal nog wel mee...en natuurlijk is het waar dat er een aantal smeerlappen tussen de buitenlanders zitten....maar dat zie je over de hele wereld en niet alleen hier........maar de  :smiley-philippines: kunnen hier zo.......ONGELOVELLIJK..... NATIONALISTISCH zijn...... :jajaja: :jajaja:


Citaat van: bananacreek op zondag  6 juli 2014, 08:22:43

Dit bovenstaande artikel is waarschijnlijk aan wraakactie tegen Kojak die ook  schrijft in dezelfde krant en vorige week het volgende artikel naar voren bracht:

CitaatI came to Dumaguete on a bus from Cebu. I got off near the park. Not comfortable sleeping in the hotel bed, I got up around two and took a walk. Two men were playing "Dama" and the cool night air had the soft sound of the sea. I liked the feel of this historic peaceful city of "Friendly People".

I moved into an apartment near Hypermart and every morning I would walk to Lee Plaza. I would smile and greet everyone I met. Everyone smiled back and returned the greeting. My first Filipino friend was a wayward son of a Manila dynasty family. He shared with me his love of Jose Rizal and his "Pearl of the Orient Sea". He gifted with me his life and the nation he loved above all else.

Two years later I started writing for the Negros Chronicle because I felt an ugly riff between foreign guests and our Filipino host. I do not get paid; I do it out of love. I do it to heal the wounds and build a better community.

Lately I feel I have failed.

It started with a smile; or more accurately the absence of a smile. I smile and greet everyone. I can understand why a young attractive Filipina might not smile and return my greeting, but lately old ladies and mature men no longer reciprocate. They act openly hostile.

A while back a friend of mine was beaten in the face, his teeth broken by a police officer. My friend was sitting answering questions and did nothing to deserve the assault. Later investigation revealed the police officer has a long history of violent abuse, particularly toward foreigners. Why is he not disciplined? Why is he still on the police force?

On another occasion, an American was given a smoking citation outside of McDonalds. When he asked why? The officer pointed out that his chair had one leg on city property. That would have been valid, if a bit picky, but the young man parking the motorcycles was smoking on the city street. Why was the foreigner cited and not the Filipino?

On a different occasion a foreigner was cited for parking in a cross walk. The front wheel of his motorcycle was touching the painted crosswalk. Again, it was a legitimate citation, if a bit picky, except there was an SUV on the other side of the street blocking completely that same cross walk. It was never cited.

Why the double standard? Is this a Filipino "standard"; if you are Filipino you get a pass but if you are a foreigner you get screwed? Most important, if you expect foreigners not to let other foreigners abuse Filipinos; how come YOU allow Filipinos to abuse foreigners?

Nu broodmager geworden na zijn keelkanker ellende........dit is een foto van een paar jaar geleden....(natuurlijk in den Why Not.... :lachen:)

Hier een wat latere foto van "Kojak"


Citaat van: bananacreek op zondag  6 juli 2014, 08:46:37
Citaat van: bananacreek op zondag  6 juli 2014, 08:22:43
Hij gebruikt anders wel lyrische taal:

To shed light on the problem of the influx of aliens or foreigners...

The aliens or foreigners should remember that they are our uninvited guests and they should leave...

enforce our laws against these ugly aliens...

Bestaat daar geen woord voor dit soort taalgebruik  in onze Westerse beschaving?


Citaat van: bananacreek op zondag  6 juli 2014, 08:46:37
Citaat van: bananacreek op zondag  6 juli 2014, 08:22:43

Dit bovenstaande artikel is waarschijnlijk aan wraakactie tegen Kojak die ook  schrijft in dezelfde krant en vorige week het volgende artikel naar voren bracht:

CitaatI came to Dumaguete on a bus from Cebu. I got off near the park. Not comfortable sleeping in the hotel bed, I got up around two and took a walk. Two men were playing "Dama" and the cool night air had the soft sound of the sea. I liked the feel of this historic peaceful city of "Friendly People".

I moved into an apartment near Hypermart and every morning I would walk to Lee Plaza. I would smile and greet everyone I met. Everyone smiled back and returned the greeting. My first Filipino friend was a wayward son of a Manila dynasty family. He shared with me his love of Jose Rizal and his "Pearl of the Orient Sea". He gifted with me his life and the nation he loved above all else.

Two years later I started writing for the Negros Chronicle because I felt an ugly riff between foreign guests and our Filipino host. I do not get paid; I do it out of love. I do it to heal the wounds and build a better community.

Lately I feel I have failed.

It started with a smile; or more accurately the absence of a smile. I smile and greet everyone. I can understand why a young attractive Filipina might not smile and return my greeting, but lately old ladies and mature men no longer reciprocate. They act openly hostile.

A while back a friend of mine was beaten in the face, his teeth broken by a police officer. My friend was sitting answering questions and did nothing to deserve the assault. Later investigation revealed the police officer has a long history of violent abuse, particularly toward foreigners. Why is he not disciplined? Why is he still on the police force?

On another occasion, an American was given a smoking citation outside of McDonalds. When he asked why? The officer pointed out that his chair had one leg on city property. That would have been valid, if a bit picky, but the young man parking the motorcycles was smoking on the city street. Why was the foreigner cited and not the Filipino?

On a different occasion a foreigner was cited for parking in a cross walk. The front wheel of his motorcycle was touching the painted crosswalk. Again, it was a legitimate citation, if a bit picky, except there was an SUV on the other side of the street blocking completely that same cross walk. It was never cited.

Why the double standard? Is this a Filipino "standard"; if you are Filipino you get a pass but if you are a foreigner you get screwed? Most important, if you expect foreigners not to let other foreigners abuse Filipinos; how come YOU allow Filipinos to abuse foreigners?

Nu broodmager geworden na zijn keelkanker ellende........dit is een foto van een paar jaar geleden....(natuurlijk in den Why Not.... :lachen:)

Hier een wat latere foto van "Kojak"

Zeer vriendelijke stad Dumaguete...
"Yakee go home" mentaliteit


Ach dat "Yankee go home" mentaliteit is niet enkel in D,guete maar all over the phils.

Het neigt enigszins om hetzelfde te doen met alle filipino's abroad en deze terug in de heimat te sturen. maar het resultaat daarvan moge dan duidelijk zijn..het land zal dan  binnen afzienbare tijd imploderen.

Che la vie, wellicht is dat nog de beste methode om het ze af te leren. :weetikniet:
Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleent


Citaat van: Amice op zondag  6 juli 2014, 11:07:10
Ach dat "Yankee go home" mentaliteit is niet enkel in D,guete maar all over the phils.

Het neigt enigszins om hetzelfde te doen met alle filipino's abroad en deze terug in de heimat te sturen. maar het resultaat daarvan moge dan duidelijk zijn..het land zal dan  binnen afzienbare tijd imploderen.

Che la vie, wellicht is dat nog de beste methode om het ze af te leren. :weetikniet:

Ik ben het volledig met u eens en Khaled likewise................... :lachen: :lachen:

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