Shopping more fun in PH? VAT exemption for tourists sought

Gestart door callebaut, woensdag 4 juni 2014, 14:20:58

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Posted at 01/31/2013 5:36 PM | Updated as of 01/31/2013 5:36 PM
MANILA, Philippines - Shopping may soon be more fun in the Philippines, at least for foreign tourists.

A retailers group is planning to ask Congress to pass a law that will give value-added tax (VAT) exemption to foreign tourists.

Samie Lim, chairman emeritus of the Philippine Retailers Association (PRA), hopes the Philippines will soon follow the lead of many countries who already grant VAT-exemption to tourists.

Many European countries, as well as Singapore, Japan and South Korea, offer tax free shopping for tourists. When their purchases reach a certain amount, tourists can claim a VAT refund before they leave the country.

"It is not right to tax the tourists because they only stay here for a while, so they don't really make use of the basic services that government gives locals from revenues generated. That is why in other countries, they are VAT-exempt," Lim said.

The Philippines, Lim said, can follow the model of other countries where they hire third-party groups to handle the VAT refunds.

For instance, Globe Blue, the world's biggest VAT refund service, represents more than 270,000 stores in 37 countries.

Lim believes the Philippines will benefit from such a measure since it will encourage tourists to shop more.

Lim is the president and CEO of Automatic Centre, BLIMS Fine Furniture and Canadian Tourism and Hospitality Institute.

He was named PRA President's Awardee and was given the title "Pioneering Pillar of Philippine Franchising" during the "16th Outstanding Filipino Retailers and Shopping Centers of the Year Awards Night" at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Grand Ballroom in Ortigas


Krijgen ze er zowaar verstand???  Tegen 2030 zou deze maatregel wel van kracht (kunnen) zijn. :lachen: :lachen:


Citaat van: callebaut op woensdag  4 juni 2014, 14:20:58
The Philippines, Lim said, can follow the model of other countries where they hire third-party groups to handle the VAT refunds.

En raad eens wie er dan voorzitter van de raad van bestuur wordt van de Filippijnse afdeling?

Citaat van: callebaut op woensdag  4 juni 2014, 14:20:58

MANILA, Philippines - Shopping may soon be more fun in the Philippines, at least for foreign tourists.

A retailers group is planning to ask Congress to pass a law that will give value-added tax (VAT) exemption to foreign tourists.

Lim believes the Philippines will benefit from such a measure since it will encourage tourists to shop more.

12% less V.A.T. but 100% more F.A.T.  :biggrinn:  :floet:
Homo doctus in se semper divitias habet.


Allee :lachen: :lachen: dan maar weer extra inkomen ....ipv vat voor de staat gaat het gewoon in vorm van opslag in de zakken van de verkopers eindigen...
Alles gaat, zelfs kiekens gaan en die hebben hun knieën vanachter .
Het komt er niet op aan WAT je kent maar WIE je kent.


Citaat van: callebaut op woensdag  4 juni 2014,
Posted at 01/31/2013 5:36 PM | Updated as of 01/31/2013 5:36 PM
MANILA, Philippines - Shopping may soon be more fun in the Philippines, at least for foreign tourists.

A retailers group is planning to ask Congress to pass a law that will give value-added tax (VAT) exemption to foreign tourists.

10 jaar later. . .

Marcos to sign three new laws . . .

the VAT Refund for Non-Resident Tourists aims to provide a VAT refund system that may serve as a marketing tool to attract more non-resident tourists to the country and incentivize their substantial spending, which may drive economic growth and promote the uniqueness and craftsmanship of Indigenous products in tourist destinations. This will allow foreign visitors to claim VAT refunds for buying P3,000 worth of local goods

Als je voor 3000 pesos lokale producten koopt (49 Euro) kan je met deze nieuwe wet je betaalde BTW terugvragen :lachen:

Ik kan me voorstellen dat nu heel wat mensen een reis naar de Filippijnen gaan boeken om van dit edelmoedig voordeel te genieten.


Citaat van: Pinocchio op maandag  9 december 2024, 02:23:30.
Marcos to sign three new laws . . .

the VAT Refund for Non-Resident Tourists aims to provide a VAT refund system that may serve as a marketing tool to attract more non-resident tourists to the country and incentivize their substantial spending, which may drive economic growth and promote the uniqueness and craftsmanship of Indigenous products in tourist destinations. This will allow foreign visitors to claim VAT refunds for buying P3,000 worth of local goods

De text die destijds in de krant verscheen was alles behalve duidelijk daarom een rechtzetting:

Het moet dus zijn: taxrefund voor aankopen van minimum 3.000 pesos, in daartoe gemachtigde winkels en binnen 60 dagen het land uitgevoerd

Signed into law on Dec. 6, 2024, RA 120791 establishes a VAT refund mechanism for nonresident tourists in the Philippines
The refunds can be made electronically or in cash provided that the value of goods purchased per transaction is equivalent to at least P3,000. Additionally, goods purchased should be bought in accredited stores and taken out of the Philippines within 60 days of purchase.